New Band of the Week: Electron

London-based trio Electron fuse elements of grunge, hard rock, metal and nu-metal in an intense but engaging sound that they describe as “vicious, ferocious and unapologetic.”

Introducing: 4FOXSAKE

London-based band 4FOXSAKE are on a mission to challenge social barriers with an explosive sound that harnesses elements of punk, hard rock and metal, and they describe as “loud, anthemic and catchy.”

Introducing: The Survival Code

London duo The Survival Code offer up a deliciously riff-heavy and catchy rock sound that they describe as “powerful, melodious and energetic.” And the band has plenty of content to treat your ears to, as they trickle their new album out with one song released every month of 2023.

New Band of the Week: Tether.

Exciting London newcomers Tether. offer up a modern spin on post-hardcore with a furiously feisty and intense but engaging sound that they describe as “energetic, cathartic and inspirational.”

New Band of the Week: District 13

London rockers District 13 introduced themselves to us as Black Sabbath meets The Ramones, while revealing that frontman Jon Wild has been described as a cross between Kurt Cobain and Sid Vicious. So we, of course, had no option but to explore further.