A collection of new music from bands we discover through MusoSoup and SubmitHub. We help you discover a rich mix of new music across rock, metal and punk. So, discover the music you’ll love.

New Band of the Week: Fates Messenger

Prepare to be slapped around the face with a slab of metal savagery from Fates Messenger, who’ve harnessed their metal and hardcore experience to craft a sound they describe as “thrashy groove fusion.”

Introducing: The Last Element

Dutch hard rock meets nu-metal band The Last Element aim to write songs that are “as aggressive as they are tender and as melodic as they are heavy” and they describe as “heartfelt, melodic and modern.”

Discover This: Speed of Light

Teenage sibling trio Speed of Light have honed a garage rock sound laced with punky undertones that’s probably going to take you by surprise in its ferocity. In fact, the Santa Monica, California, band’s dirty, riff-filled rock meets grunge meets desert rock sound is absolutely filthy as hell.